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Here you can find a list of my recent peer-reviewed academic publications. I also write Blogs about VR and language learning as the Research Manager at Immerse. You can find these on ResearchGate

Publications: Publications
Traditional Library

Thrasher, T. (2023). Meeting in the Metaverse: Language learners’ insights into the affordances of virtual reality. In D. Cockerham, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, W., Foshay, & M. Spector (Eds.), Reimagining Education: Studies and Stories for Effective Learning Practices in an Evolving Digital Society. Springer.

Dooly, M., Thrasher, T., Sadler, R. (2023). ‘Whoa! Incredible!’: Language learning experiences in virtual reality. RELC Journal,0(0).

Sadler, R., & Thrasher, T. (2023). XR: Crossing reality to enhance language learning. CALICO Journal, 40(1), i-xi.

Thrasher, T. (2022). The impact of virtual reality on L2 French learners’

language anxiety and oral comprehensibility: An exploratory study. CALICO Journal, 39(2), 219-238.

Mroz, A., & Thrasher, T. (2022b). Proficiency development and smartphone

usage in study abroad: Microgenetic longitudinal case studies of French learners. The Foreign Language Annals, 55(2), 455-493.

Mroz, A., & Thrasher, T. (2022a). Unfolding of COVID-19 crisis in a study-abroad program: Voices of stakeholders involved in the evacuation. Frontiers: The

Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 34(2), 27-55.

Sadler, R. & Thrasher, T. (2021). Teaching Languages with Virtual Reality: Things you may need to know. CALICO Infobytes. Retrieved from

Sadler, R. & Thrasher, T. (In press). Learning technology review: Mondly. CALICO Journal.

Thrasher, T. & Sadler, R. (Under review). Virtual reality social spaces for language learning: An overview and evaluation.

Thrasher, T. (In preparation). The ebb and flow of heart rate: Assessing physiological fluctuations in anxiety during oral production tasks in virtual reality.

Thrasher, T., Sadler, R., Dooly, M. (In preparation). Collecting ‘real’ data in virtual reality (VR) settings: Best practices. In K. Sadeghi (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Technological Advances and Considerations in Applied Linguistics Research. Routledge.

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